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Forgiveness is a complex and deeply personal concept, often entangled with emotions, experiences,
and relationships.

When it comes to forgiving our parents, the stakes are notably high. They are the
ones who shape our beliefs, behaviours, and emotional development during our formative years.
However, like anyone else, they are human and prone to flaws and mistakes.

This raises the question:

Should one offer forgiveness to their parents when they commit a serious wrongdoing?

In this article, we delve into the intricacies of forgiveness, exploring its power and the potential
benefits it can bring. We want to inspire hope by highlighting these benefits, which can be a beacon
of hope, guiding us towards a brighter future. This topic is of utmost importance for those seeking personal growth and healing from past emotional wounds.

The Complex Relationship with Parents

Our relationship with our parents is undeniably one of the most crucial and impactful connections we
will ever have. From being our protectors, providers, and guides in our early years to helping us
become self-sufficient and independent adults, our parents play an essential role in our growth and

Another useful article: How to find your voice if you ever feel ignored or unseen

However, like any relationship, our bond with our parents is not immune to conflicts,
misunderstandings, and even abuse, which can have a lasting impact on our lives. It’s important to
note that not all parental relationships are the same, and each individual’s experience is unique.
For many people, the wounds caused by their parents can be profound. Emotional neglect, verbal
abuse, or even physical violence can leave permanent scars on our psyche, shaping our sense of
self and our ability to trust others. In such situations, forgiveness may seem impossible or even

Understanding Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not about excusing or justifying someone’s actions. Instead, it’s a conscious
decision to let go of resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge. 

But how do you start this process?

One way is to begin by acknowledging your feelings and their impact on your life. It’s about
freeing yourself from the emotional burden of past grievances, reclaiming your peace of mind, and
moving forward with your life.

For instance, in her autobiography “Becoming,” former First Lady Michelle Obama candidly shares her journey of forgiveness towards her parents. Growing up in a working-class neighbourhood on the South Side of Chicago, Michelle faced numerous challenges, including navigating the complexities of her family dynamic.

Despite her parents’ best intentions, Michelle grappled with feelings of resentment and disappointment towards them, particularly her father, Fraser Robinson III, who battled with multiple sclerosis.

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful force that can help us overcome challenges. It not only benefits the person
being forgiven but also initiates a profound process of self-healing.

By forgiving, we release our pain and negativity, embarking on a transformative journey of healing and personal growth that can lead to a brighter future. 

However, forgiveness is a personal journey that cannot be rushed or forced. It requires deep introspection, empathy, and often the invaluable support of a professional. It’s essential to recognise that forgiveness doesn’t always lead to reconciliation or restoration of the relationship.

It can be about finding closure within ourselves, regardless of external outcomes. Remember, this journey is yours, and you have the power to shape it.

Benefits of Forgiving Your Parents

Emotional Freedom:

  1. Letting go of resentment and anger allows you to reclaim your emotional well-being. It liberates you from carrying the weight of past grievances, enabling you to live more fully in the present. 

Healing Trauma:

  1. Forgiveness can be a crucial step in the healing process, especially for those who have experienced childhood trauma. It doesn’t erase the past but empowers you to break free from its grip and create a brighter future. 

One practical step you can take is to write a letter to your parents, expressing your feelings and forgiving them. This can be a powerful tool in your healing journey, giving you the power to shape your future.

Personal Growth:

Forgiveness can be a catalyst for personal growth, leading to self-awareness and healing by encouraging resilience, empathy, and emotional maturity. It requires confronting difficult emotions and learning from experiences, inspiring you to grow and evolve. 

Building Healthy Boundaries:

This is crucial when forgiving your parents, and it doesn’t mean you should tolerate further mistreatment. Instead, it’s about prioritising your well-being by setting firm and healthy boundaries. This could mean limiting your time with your parents or not engaging in conversations that trigger negative emotions. It’s also important to practice self-care during this process, whether through therapy, meditation, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.

You might need to create some distance or seek support from others, but remember that this
journey is yours, and you can shape it.


Deciding whether to forgive your parents is a personal choice that doesn’t have a correct or incorrect
answer. Forgiveness is a journey that requires you to look inward, empathise, and be brave. It helps
you regain control, heal from past traumas, and move forward.

Although forgiveness can be challenging, it has the power to bring about profound transformation, leading to emotional healing and a blossoming of personal growth. Therefore, it’s essential